men dream of sporting a constant tumescence as proof of their virility Zach LaVine Bulls Jersey , but as men who have experienced priapism know, tumescence that goes on for too long results in a sore male organ –and can be dangerous to manhood health as well. Similarly, men who experience the condition known as PGAD know that a sore member – and many other issues – can result from being in too heightened a state of excitement too frequently.
What is PGAD?
PGAD is also sometimes known as RGS. It’s a relatively new condition (or, to be more accurate Tony Kukoc Bulls Jersey , it has only in recent years been given an official name) and there are some who dispute whether it is an actual medical condition.
So what is it? Basically, it’s exactly what the name suggests: a feeling of sensual excitement in the midsection that is long-lasting and recurrent. In other words, in a man it means he has long stretches during which he is in a heightened state of excitement even in the absence of sensual thoughts or desires. Most often in men, it includes the presence of an intense tumescence Scottie Pippen Bulls Jersey , often painfully so. In cases in which the tumescence wanes, the manhood still feels a sense of throbbing or sensitivity.
PGAD was described in women before men, possibly due to the societal view of men as being “always ready” for sensual activity.
Is it hypersensuality?
Some think PGAD is simply another way of describing hypersensuality, an overactive sensual drive. But the key difference is that PGAD often occurs when there is no active interest in sensual activity on the part of the affected individual. For example Robin Lopez Bulls Jersey , a man may be working feverishly to finish a deadline project, but experience an intense excitement that creates a sore male organ and keeps him from working. This is different from a case of hypersensuality, where thoughts of sensual activity are the reason for the state of excitement which gets in the way of his work.
Men with PGAD often find themselves self-pleasuring or engaging in sensual activity, not because they feel driven to by their desires Pau Gasol Bulls Jersey , but because achieving release may be the only thing that grants relief – although that relief is often only temporary. Thus a man with PGAD may end up self-pleasuring several times a day in order to relieve the discomfort. And often the frequent self-pleasuring can make the sore male organ feel worse.