Light Axis Healing Health Articles | April 19 Cheap Tarell Basham Jersey , 2011 Light Axis Healing The Background of Light Axis Healing Light Axis Healing is a powerful system of healing. It was developed by healing teacher, Glen Machin in the early 2010?s. His healing back...
Light Axis Healing
The Background of Light Axis Healing
Light Axis Healing is a powerful system of healing. It was developed by healing teacher, Glen Machin in the early 2010?s. His healing background was Karuna Reiki and Seichim Healing. In the early 2010?s he went into a deep meditation that lasted for a month. Within that period of meditation Cheap Quincy Wilson Jersey , he channelled and compiled all the information that became the Light Axis Healing Modality. He also channelled about 5 courses worth of information, which was then condensed to become the first 2 Light Axis Healing Courses. The courses are taught in Sydney Australia
The Light Axis Healing System
Light Axis Healing uses 7 advanced healing techniques within one healing. This allows the healer to heal the client in a variety of different ways, depending upon the nature of the problem. Many forms of healing that are out there Cheap Malik Hooker Jersey , are really limited in their approach and really limit the healer and the result. This is because they only use one technique that is too simplified. Light Axis Healing is a simple and easy way to heal that uses a variety of approached to healing. Below are the 7 healing techniques used.
The 7 Light Axis Healing Techniques
1.?The Body Scan Technique
The body and meridian systems are scanned intuitively for any beliefs, feeling or energy blockages. These blockages are then released intuitively. This is a visualisation technique. It involves