Ann Sieg wrote the 7 great lies of network marketing book. In her book air max pas cher chine , she exposes several misconceptions present in the network marketing industry. It is no secret that the mlm network marketing industry is responsible for creating a dependable income for many families. This industry is filled with people who have succeeded despite all odds. Yes, its very inspiring to hear these stories and all, but we need to take a deeper look in here.
Here’s an honest truth about network marketing: majority of the people fail miserably in it. It could be due to many reasons, but the core reason is that people are clueless as to how to market their business. Since most of the people do not possess the right marketing or sales skills chaussure air max pas cher , they find building a network marketing business quite hard. The usual line of advice is to contact more people by prospecting anyone and everyone by virtue of solicitations, buying leads, etc. These rarely produce results for those who don’t have the sales skills. Many people try these techniques out and when they don’t see the results, they simply quit.
The 7 great lies of network marketing book clearly mentions the problems and frustrations that many network marketers face on a daily basis. It is not uncommon to find “want to make quick money” kind of people in the mlm network marketing industry who will run in the other direction the moment someone says that there is actual work involved. On the other hand nike air max pas cher , it is also not uncommon to find real hard working people in this industry. The problem is that these people who are ready to do what it takes to succeed are guided in a wrong manner. When these people do not find success after months or years of hard work, they stop continuing in this business.
This industry has the problem of oversimplifying things so that it helps the duplication process. Network marketing trainings are known to be over simplified. In reality, it serves no purpose as ineffective strategies produce zero results. That’s why you get to hear statements like “we are not selling, we are simply sharing” air max pas cher , “everyone is your prospect”, etc in network marketing rallies. Ann Sieg flatly calls them nothing but lies and gives a clear explanation as to why she calls them that in her seven great lies of network marketing book.
Here’s one of the most common network marketing statements: “this business is all about sharing”. I don’t understand how a person can build a real business without selling products or services. In reality, most people are terrified of selling. So when they get to hear statements like these, they feel secure and say to themselves “well sharing can’t be that hard”. The reason why selling is important is because if sharing was all it took to be successful , then the failure rate in this industry wouldn’t be that high. But that isn’t the case. It’s proven time and again that only those who learn the proper sales skills succeed in this industry. The 7 great lies of network marketing book tackles a lot of network marketing practices like these. If you want more info, then go ahead and get a copy of the 7 great network marketing lies book.
For more info about seven great lies network marketing, check out this lies of network marketing article.